Sunday 30 June 2013

MCAD and Pushing Yourself

My aim was to submit a new post everyday however i have done the one thing that I have said you shouldn't. I have been pushing myself too hard.

I spent the majority of my Saturday lying in bed with the frequent dash to the bathroom. Vomiting when there is nothing left in your system is horrible and painful. Basically you a heaving the stomach acid. I am better today but my balance is completely off and getting dressed when your arms feel too heavy to lift is a mild challenge.

I spent most of the day passed out. Jumper and trousers on, under a quilt with a fan. My body was oblivious to the 21C outside. I did not realise that our Dog had spent most of the day lying on top of me and licking my face. She must have known as usually she would be in the garden checking her territory. Every time I wanted to say something It would not come out which made me frustrated. This wasted the energy I had and made speaking even more difficult. My fiancee forced me to sip lucozade and it took almost 2 hours to eat a doughnut. Not a problem I usually have.

So how did this happen? Simply, I pushed myself.

My day starts at 6am when I get up and walk the dog. I then get myself ready for work and am there by 7.30am to open the door for the staff starting at 8am. I will then work until 12pm when I drive home to let the dog out and give her some fuss. I then drive back to work and get there for about 12.27pm. My job is fairly demanding and I rarely go home within my contracted hours, or if I do, I will bring some work home with me. As soon as I am home the dog needs walking again and feeding, the tea needs to be made, and a bit of house work. I will then pop on my laptop, do a bit of work or go out for a walk to clear my mind. Get in the shower and before you know it its 9pm. I work the occasional saturday however there are weddings to be planned, birthday celebrations, parking to be sorted, grocery shopping, bills to pay and file, cleaning etc. I do not stop. I do not seem to have time to have a social life of my own.

Yes this may be completely typical for most people, that's life! But most people do not have MCAD, most people are able to produce the energy they need. Most people do not have to think about their physical and mental exertions. I over did. I am my own worst enemy when it comes to sitting down and stopping. There is always something that needs to be done. Life would be great if we were all wealthy enough to have a house keeper! It can be very frustrating when everyone else seems to be able to keep going all the time and I have to stop and rest. Sometimes it does make me feel like I am 87 not 27 but as I have said previously you have to play the cards that life dealt you. I do wish that I could pick another hand sometimes!

Note to self. Be less self destructive and learn to sit down!

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