Monday 24 June 2013

Your Views

So firstly thank you to those who have had a look at the blog.
Secondly thank you for pointing out the spelling. I might add that this is my online diary and not a piece of prize winning literature. I do not spell check, I think, I type, I post. My writing style is very much the way in which I speak... sometimes backwards!

So I have been thinking away about different posts and have come up with the following;

  1. MCAD and the body
  2. MCAD and stress
  3. MCAD a mothers perspective
  4. MCAD and alcohol
  5. MCAD and pregnancy
  6. MCAD and food
  7. MCAD and illness
  8. MCAD and publicity
  9. MCAD and other people
  10. MCAD and exercise
This is what I have come up with so far but if anyone has any ideas or areas they would like to know about please leave a comment and I will write a post.

I was speaking with my mum today who often looks online to see what new information is available with regards to MCAD. 
'I can't believe there is still so little out there, it was only discovered in 1983 we were lucky'
Mum I know.......hence the reason I decided to start my own blog and keep a publicly accessible diary of my thoughts, feelings and living with this condition.

Let's clear one thing up at the start of this venture, people with MCAD are not 'suffering with MCAD'. We are not victims. We were simply dealt a different hand of cards to play. Unfortunately there is no rule book and we play 'off the cuff' but give us our dignity and do not call us 'sufferers'.
You would not refer to someone with dwarfism 'a sufferer' nor would you call a person in a wheel chair 'a sufferer' . So do not label us.

I believe that there is a reason for everything. I would not re-write the rules to be born any differently from what I am. I have experienced a whole lot more in my life at 27 than most. If anything having MCAD will make you stronger as a person.You learn to take control of your life, you learn the value of life and you learn to fight. Not literally of course. Having a condition such as MCAD, which is still unknown, means you have to stand on your own two feet and shout to be heard. You can not be submissive or you will not survive.

As someone with MCAD I ask that you recognise us, support us and help to increase research.

Once again I have gone off on a tangent but you get the idea!

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