Sunday 23 June 2013


Big Yawn........

MCAD makes you tired. The inability to create ones own energy is a constant reminder that I am different.
10 hours sleep last night and I could probably have done with another 2hrs but the dog is not going to walk herself!

Coping with tiredness is much the same as any other person just multiply the need by 4! Whilst I was studying for my A-levels and then for my Degree afternoon naps were a life saver. Doctors recommend eating every 4 hours but I have a demanding job and a home to run. I am terrible at putting my own needs first.

However word of warning, do not push it. I do and its not a good idea. Your reserves fail, your limbs become like spaghetti and you slur your words (like a drunk).....shut down! Well this is how it manifests itself in me everyone has different warning signs. Not only do you need a massive glucose hit and some rest but you get a bolllocking from those around you 'why arent you looking after yourself properly?'. There is no reason, my answer 'I'm busy'.

If you ever feel like your sugar is dropping and you need a quick hit a pack of sweets, fruit pastilles are my favourite and 1L of Lucozade, it always works. Do not use chocolate, the fats will not breakdown you want the sugar. But I will go into more detail when I post MCAD and food. We are at war!

The extreme with regards to tiredness is what I have mentioned but there are other warning signs that you may not notice and those around you will.

When my sugar is low and my body needs rest I become very irritable... and that is the 'pre watershed' version. I am basically a nightmare and sometimes wonder how I have managed not to push everyone away. There is a lot to be said for people who love you and people with patience.Sometimes I will lose focus on the task in hand and become easily distracted, think 3yr old. Or sometimes I will just simply stare, resembling that of someone who is daydreaming. The difference being there are not thoughts at all running through my mind.

It takes many years to notice the signs and as I said previously, they will manifest themselves differently in each individual. the only thing you can do is make a note, literally or mentally to recognise them. By doing this the people are around you and most importantly YOU will know that something is not right.

So. Rest my fellow MCAD..ers. We need it more than most.

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